We are excited to announce the Rancho Bernardo Chamber Music Festival will take place June 2018. This weekend festival is presented by Quartet Nouveau & Chamber Music Institute and RBCPC.
Friday June 1, 2018 Ardor Trio
Linda Piatt, violin
Robie Evans, viola
Amanda Devlin, cello
Sunday June 3, 2018 Quartet Nouveau
Get Involved
As a non profit organization, Quartet Nouveau & Chamber Music Institute is an audience supported community asset. Get involved by giving a gift, serving as an usher, or volunteer to help throughout the festival. Quartet Nouveau & Chamber Music Institute offers a variety of rewarding opportunities. Email us at quartetnouveau@gmail.com for more information.
Donor Levels:
$2,500 ~Quartet Nouveau will perform in your home for your friends and family
$1,000 ~ Sponsor a concert
$500 ~ Quartet Level Support
$250 ~ Trio Level Support
$100 ~ Duet Level Support
$50 ~ Solo Level Support
Donate online via PayPal here or make checks payable to Quartet Nouveau and send them to:
Quartet Nouveau & Chamber Music Institute
325 W. Washington Street #2-127
San Diego, CA 92103